Tropical Storm Danny

With our latest storm sitting right off the coast here in Cape Hatteras, the expectations for severe weather have actually waned just a bit. Orignially, the storm predictions estimated the disturbance progressing into as high as a Category 2 hurricaine with chances of a direct hit to the Outer Banks areas. Things are still moody and rough, but not severe.

The storm has failed to strengthen into any appreciable threat. Unless you plan to enter the water. Of course, as wind/water junkies we (Kim, myself, and most of our friends) we fully intent to enter the water. All of the current warnings are for moderate to high rip current threat. The wind will not get much over 40mph and the storm swell is somewhere around 10 feet. Perfect conditions for 'playing in the water'.

If the wind direction turns, as is expected, to an offshore direction the surf should be quite nice for the next day as the swell peaks - it is mushy and blown out today. After surfing too many days in a row, and sometimes multiple times a day over the past 10 days, today was a much needed break. The waves were out there, but it was not as well organized and clean as I prefer. Yes I'm getting picky.

Towards the end of the day today the wind started to come up to a level high enough for kiteboarding. I decided not to go out as the predictions called for somewhat drastic changes to the direction and velocity. Besides, just looking at the stormy skies I could predict less than favorable conditions for kiting.

About the only rideable location for the SE winds today was the 'point' of Cape Hatteras. Yes. The little tip of land where the sandbar makes an almost 90 degree turn to the west and creates a south-facing shore. With the storm swell and wind direction kiters and wind surfers alike were taking advantage of what little riding there was. The waves were very disorganized and sloppy. Part of me was itching to get wet and ride the waves, but the other 99% of me was not in much of a hurry to get out there.

I was happy hanging out on the beach with my cameras and friends to watch as most of the kiters eventually slipped further and further downwind until they walked back up the beach. Besides, I'm saving my energy.

With the wind direction predicted tomorrow it should make for nice surfing. So it is off to bed for me... I need my rest. I haven't been this tired for this many days since performing long range patrols as a young Marine.
