Girlie Racing

After a pretty busy weekend and start to the week, I was not up to much tonight except for helping Kim get her gear ready for this weekend's race. Her and 3 of her girlie-friends are participating in a 6 hour adventure race. She has done an adventure race with a couple of the girls already so they should have a great time. I'm shooting a wedding on Saturday, so I don't get to play.

Besides, I've been working on other types of training.

Our house is nothing but one big gear closet, but this week has been especially so. My climbing gear is out from where I gave the girls a quick(ie) rappelling (and compass/land nav) clinic earlier this week and I've had my photography gear strewn about. On top of the kite gear that never seems to be put away during kite season, it is a mess around here.

Here is the better part of what Kim will be taking with her this weekend. I believe they will be camping all weekend so more stuff will be added to this pile as the week comes to a close.

Kayaks are part of the race this weekend, but Kim's boat was not in view of the back door during the torrential rain storm we experienced tonight, so I snapped a quick shot of my boat that happened to be in view. It will have to do for the purpose of this post.

And, the bike. Big wheels roll faster. Isn't that what they say? She will be riding with gears and (front) suspension for the race. Smart girl.


needmoreO2 said...

So how did Kim and the girls do at the Panther AR? I've only done one of his races because the format is a little weird for me. Plus, it's a long drive.

Unknown said...

Kim get rid of the El Mariachi???

SamPerry said...

kim still has the el mar. i don't think she will ever get rid of that bike. it is now her dedicated SS. the c'dale serves as her shifty/shock bike. it is the better choice for her AR this weekend.